Finding Your Peace

Some people run to clear their heads (tried this), some people write (tried this too), some people try to escape (tried this too). What I'm trying to say is you have to find what works for you. Lately where I've found my peace is the water.

Who couldn't find peace with this view. Well maybe it wasn't so peaceful when the swarm of bugs attacked us second later, but at least for just a second I was at peace. 

I've been taking my board out after work and the quiet on the water feels so great after the chaos of the day. With every little move threatening to throw you off the board, there is no time to focus on the crazy in life and with every muscle sore and tired after, the calm is even more satisfying.

I love to see the fish jumping, the birds flying by, but mostly the quiet. No busy streets or people yelling. 

No matter what you do, do something. This life is crazy and you need to find a way to keep your peace.I've always been tied to nature to find peace. Whether it was a river, and nature park, or the ocean. Being in Wilmington, I choose the beach most often now. But you have to find where your heart feels at peace and go there.

Until next time! xo
