The Important Things

Let's all face it, we all have bad days. Whether they are stressful or at work, stressful family life, "fat days," you know know what I mean. Not gonna lie, yesterday was a fat day. After spin, I'm not sure what was going on, but I just felt huge! This week hasn't been all that great for my motivation. I had a week of not losing as much as I thought I had and then a fat day. But we all have them. I had a skinny day over the weekend then a fat day yesterday. Today has been a little of both, not gonna lie. And if you don't get what I mean, thats ok. Just trust me, it a really frustrating feeling.

But thats not the point, the point is when we have those tough days we can do 1 of 2 things. Sit alone and wallow, and most likely stress eat. Or you can keep plans that you made and go hang out with the awesome people in your life. Its important to have people who lift you up in life, not tear you down. And let me tell you, it gives me more motivation than anything when someone calls me an inspiration or says they notice my progress. Love you guys!

Mondays are rough. It's just fact. But right now I'm lucky enough to have a standing date with my girlfriends, who you should definitely be jealous of. Even after the worst of days they make everything better. We rotate which house hosts and cooks for the Bachelor, yes the Bachelor. One of our dirty little pleasures. We all need them and this is our night of mindless TV. But we use it as a time to get together, laugh, decompress, have fun, and drink wine!

Sometimes we also use Monday nights to try out new Pinterest projects too! Tonight we had three different recipes, I only have pictures of two though, sorry!

These gems are called Energy Bites --->

1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 honey
1 cup Old Fashioned Oats
1 cup unsweetened coconut (Or not if you're my friends, since one of us is allergic)
1-2 tsp vanilla

Thats all you have to put in, but you can always add any kind of add in you want.

Some suggestions are:
Flax seeds
dried cranberries
mini chocolate chip bites (my favorite)

(Thanks Lisa)

We also had a new take on Strawberry Cheesecake bites. Those were really really simple! Cut the top off Strawberries, cut an X in the tip of the berries and fill with Cheesecake jello pudding. The easiest way to do this is to put the pudding in a piping or ziploc bag and cut a corner of the bag. then just squeeze and fill. Thanks Falan!

You can see those in the back of each of the pictures. You can also see that we really like wine! Most of us had just come from a workout, so there are a couple of water bottles mixed in with our wine glasses :) Hydration is key.

One of the things we have enjoyed most so far this season is the fact that Sean tweets along to followers with the show! He even calls some of the followers! This week he tweeted to share picture of viewing parties and he would call one lucky group. So of course we had to join in the fun! By the way, it was just amazing that he took the two girls on his date! That just shows his character, and if it was the shows idea, bravo for who ever thought of that. Either way, you changed their lives and my little heart was singing, missing my camp family during that segment.

Happy Monday! Go spend your next hard night your favorite girl friends, or guy friends, not being biased :) and drink one for me!

Follow me on Twitter @sprinklesbyace


On a final side note. I just have to say, it feels crazy to know that my blog is being seen in so many places! And that people are reading what I have to say. This is just my rambling place, where I like to share craft and recipes I've found. Thank you so much everyone for reading!

Until next time! xo
