Blogmas Extravaganza!

Ok, so I may be a little late on this, but only five days! from now until New Years I'll be posting each day with a Holiday, either Christmas or New Years craft, idea, food, or drink. So this will take a little planning on my part tonight, because I haven't even thought of it until now. I guess I'm feeling inspired. So to start us off, I'll post my latest project.

This beauty was fun to complete with my roomie. We had a left over grapevine and a lot of left over ornaments my Mom got on sale after Christmas last year.

First hot glue the first largest ornament. I started at the bottom (it made it easier to work up the wreath, but whatever way you feel like is fine.) Next work withe regular size ornament and finally the filler on your way up. I didn't do all the same size at once, I worked with each size as I worked my way around. It just takes some guess work and playing around.

Now if you're clumsy like myself, please be careful, the hot glue gun gets really hot.... yes I'm saying this from experience.

Until next time (tomorrow!) xo
