Healthy Grocery Tips

Well Happy New Year!

Hope the first two weeks of the new year have gone great for you! Are you still holding onto those resolutions? If not, Be sure to check out a post I wrote a couple years ago about My One Word and maybe it will bring a new perspective to resolutions. I'll link it here :)

Most people I know put on their list of resolutions to be healthy or to lose weight. This is great, but it can't be for a month and then done. I know I'm not one to talk because I have done my fair share of yoyo weight loss and diets. But sometimes it takes learning and trying multiple things to succeed. I think I have finally found something that works and I'm putting myself first and making time to take care of me. And my word for this year is discipline. So I will be using discipline as a lens to see the world around me.

One of the places we all need a little discipline is at the grocery store! How many times have we all gone in for one or two things and come out with a whole cart full of junk!? They say the worst time to go grocery shopping is when you are hungry and I know this to be true.

Here are some of my healthy grocery tips for you:

1. Meal plan (we will talk about this more in a later post)
2. Start in the produce
3. Then go to the meat counter, choose lean cuts with little fat.
    - Be sure to look at fat content in turkey. Yes it can be leaner than beef, but not always.
4. Continue on the perimeter of the store. There is not much you need in the center isles.
5. Canned vegetables can be good, just choose low salt options. Avoid seasoned vegetables, you can always season at home with your own spices. Most of the time those end up being loaded with sodium.
6. If you want frozen meals, make sure they are preservative free and again check sodium levels.

What other tips and tricks do you have for the grocery store? I would love to hear your process!

Until next time! xo
