What to do with all those old candle containers??

It's fall! Which means it's one of my favorite times of the year for candles. Don't get me wrong, other times of the year have great candles but none compare to my love for fall scents. I typically have a candle burning at all times when I'm at home; which means I go through some candles! Instead of just throwing away the container I have a quick and easy project to up-cycle them!

Start out with a candle that you've used completely up and put in the freezer overnight or a few days. Yes, I said freezer. It makes it so much easier to pop the wax out.

Once its good and frozen take a sharp knife and press the tip into the wax a couple different places in the candle. You'll hear some popping noises and the wax will begin to come out. 

Clean out the glass container with warm soap and warm to make sure there isn't residual wax or stickiness from the wicks. Also peel off the label on the front, unless you want this to be part of your design. I did not, so off it went! If you are having a hard time getting the stickiness off, rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad will usually do the trick. 

After it is clean and dry you are ready to start the fun!

First, decide where you want to use said container. I made one a couple years ago for my make-up brushes and now I want to make another for q-tips and cotton pads. 

Next get your supplies. All you need is a paint brush, Mod Podge, and glitter. I just happen to have matte, but it's not necessary to have matte for this project. And I chose green glitter to have an accent in my bathroom. The walls are painted a bright aqua color and I have pops of white, brown, and lime green throughout. 

First step is to paint the whole inside of the container. Make sure you have a good coat of the glitter may not stick in all places.

Next pour glitter into the container. Mine took the whole little tube.

Next just turn the container in circles until the whole thing has been coated in glitter. It may be smart to work over wax paper incase any spills. Then you can always funnel it back into the bottle or if you need more in your candle.

Then we wait! Let this coat get good and dry. At least a couple hours. I waited overnight just because it was a late night craft project. Then go back and put a second coat of Mod Podge to seal all the glitter in. For some projects this wouldn't be necessary. I didn't do that for my makeup brushes, but I thought it would be better since I'll be using the products in here on my face and ears. No need to get glitter in my ear canal or on my face everyday! 

And Voila! You have a gorgeous new organizational piece for your home! The white glitter doesn't show up nice on camera, but believe me; it is CUTE!

Let me know how you use the container! I can't wait to find more uses in my home for the next round of candles.

Until next time! xo
