Same List, New Year

101 Things

  1. Run 5 days a week for four weeks                                     (0/4)
  2. Paddle board 12 times                                                       (6/12)
  3. Help shape my own paddle board
  4. Go Kayaking                              
  5. Run a 5k
  6. Complete a Color Me Rad 5k
  7. Complete an 8k
  8. Participate in a bike race
  9. Complete a triathlon
  10. Go SCUBA Diving
  11. Go Deep Sea Fishing
  12. Read everyday                                                               
  13. Read the entire Bible                                                         (1/66)
  14. Write a Business Plan
  15. Register Sprinkles by the Sea
  16. Get my tax ID number
  17. Open a store front
  18. Write a grant
  19. Get up in time to eat breakfast everyday for a week.               (we'll continue this one once I can make it a week :))
  20. Try out 10 new Pinterest recipes with friends                   (2/10)
    1. Buffalo Chicken Dip
    2. Pizza Roll-up
  21. Try 5 new restaurants                                                          (4/5)
    1. Karma- With Mom in Roxboro
    2. Saltworks II with Erica and Jenny
    3. Sunny Sushi
    4. Las Olas
  22. Have more dinners at home
  23. Eat vegetarian for a week
  24. Complete a cleanse
  25. Go a week without eating out for any meal
  26. Try four different versions of grilled cheese                      (2/4)
    1. Pizza Grilled Cheese
    2. Tomato and Pesto Grilled Cheese
  27. Learn to use a convection oven
  28. Go to 10 Concerts (can be local)                                       (3/10)
    1. Led Zeppelin Cover
    2. Madonna Nash
    3. Groove Fetish
  29. Try 5 new wines                                                                  (0/5)
  30. Try 15 new beers                                                                (8/15)
    1. Sweet Water Blue
    2. Shot Gun Betty
    3. Blueberry Beer
    4. Dos Equis Lager
    5. Sam Adams Boston Lager
    6. BABA Black Lager
    7. Banana Bread Beer
    8. Double Chocolate Stout 
  31. Buy a pair or TOMS (or two)
  32. Go on a mission trip
  33. Go to a fireworks show
  34. Sing Karaoke
  35. Learn the rules of baseball and understand stats
  36. Go to a Major League Baseball Game
  37. Go to a Panthers Game
  38. Go to a College basketball game
  39. Go to an NBA game
  40. Write letters to 15 people                                                  (0/15)
  41. Send a care package
  42. See a Broadway Production
    1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas- DPAC
  43. Travel to NYC
  44. Watch the sun rise on the beach                                         (0/3)
  45. Watch the sunset on the beach                                           (0/3)
  46. Watch a meteor shower 
  47. Go to Hot Yoga 10 times                                                   (0/10)
  48. Catch lightening bugs
  49. Camp on the beach
  50. Campfire on the beach
  51. Go horse back riding
  52. See Sea Turtles hatch
  53. Visit the Biltmore 
  54. See artifacts my PaPa has in the Smithsonian
  55. Visit all the lighthouses in NC
  56. Visit a two Wineries                                                          (0/2)
  57. Go to the movies                                                               (7/10)
    1. Magic Mike
    2. Step Up Revolution
    3. Saving Mr. Banks
    4. Catching Fire
    5. The Croods
    6. The Hobbit
    7. The Book Theif
  58. Paint
    1. Ceiling at work
  59. Distress a piece of furniture
    1. Mirror 
    2. China Cabinet
    3. Antique Dresser
  60. Have flowers last more than one year
  61. Grow a plant from seeds
  62. Have an herb garden
  63. Have a vegetable garden
  64. Go Speed Dating
  65. Go on a Blind Date
  66. Complete 5 Pinterest Projects                                           (3/5)
    1. T-shirt remodel- workout shirt
    2. Tissue Paper Pom Pom Headboard
    3. Glitter Wine Glasses
  67. Complete the cross stitch I started years ago
  68. Donate Blood
  69. Volunteer at PC3
  70. Plan a cruise vacation
  71. Plan a mountain vacation
  72. Plan a beach week vacation
  73. Keep up with the blog
  74. Spend "Me Time" each week
  75. Week without TV (while not on vacation)
  76. Be in a movie or TV show
  77. Fall in love


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