Let Go, Let God

This is something that I was told back in college at a church retreat called Chrysalis. We were encouraged to let go of our problems, give them to God and things would turn out just threat they were supposed to. Needless to say I am a little stubborn, and when I say a little I mean a whole lot. After probably five years I think I finally understand what it means.

This may sounds pretty like two easy steps but to me it is many many tedious four letter word kind of tasks. The stubborns comes out in full force and I keep trying to let go, give up and focus on it with a vengeance.

I read a quote tonight that said "she'll chase you around for a while but there is going to be a day when she stops running in circles for you and in that minute you'll wish you let her catch you." I'm not sure about the last part but I know about the first. And this is nothing like chasing after the only man we should chase, God. He will be there arms open as we run into his arms.

This can only be a true gift from God or a lesson to learn because after almost a year I was able to let go of an anxiety. I have tried doing this so many times over the year in many different ways but I finally did it. Just handed it to God and this time I felt the weight being lifted from my shoulders.

Not sure if it will be as tough or easier next time but I know the true blessing it is to Let Go and Let God.
