God Things

This weekend it's been peaceful, for the most part. Besides working now seven days straight, I still wasn't stressed. Today I had an odd experience, but definitely a "God thing." As I turned on to George Anderson tonight after church the radio was quoting 1 Thes 5:16-18 Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Well on the corner of 17th and George Anderson is Temple Baptist Community Center and there sign so happens to read the EXACT same verse. I think I about wrecked my car from craning my neck in disbelief. Then just smiling, couldn't help but think, that message is meant for me.

Not the first time this weekend I felt like that. This afternoon in church I had another of those moments. It was like a light bulb went off above my head. Our theme today was Decisions, Decisions. The pastor started discussing how some people, when they are burned in life and hurt by people they trust, they start getting a hardened heart. I have even told people that I'm not really trusting of people because I got burned in my past. I didn't even think about the fact that not trusting was pushing me away from God and where God wanted me to be. But good news, the closer I stay to God, the less my heart is hardened and I can be right back on the path where He leads. So here's to being happy and thankful for the circumstance I am in now and staying close to Him and on His path.
