So this week I had my dog neutered. After surgery he wasn't supposed to jump around, run, chase, pull on the leash, etc... Now when the Vet told me this, I laughed. She actually laughed too and said, "Yeah, he is alilttle wild huh." ALL THE TIME! I would love someone to tell me how to make this puppy calm.
The first night he was calm, laid around with me on the floor as I worked on decorations for work. Today however has been a different story. For a dog that isn't supposed to jump, he has been up and down from the couch, jumped up on my bed (which is higher than most beds).
He made me start thinking though. As much as I tell him not to jump, he doesn't understand. I'm just hoping he doesn't find out the hard way. I'm hoping that his personality doesn't change too much. I love my playful, rambunctious dog. I don't want to have taken his wonderful personality for granted for the last year and a half.
This is his favorite spot to ride in the car. At times it is very annoying, especially when I'm in traffic or trying to switch lanes. But other times, like this I love it. This is one of my favorite pictures I have of him. I think it shows his whole personality. Ok well it is time for his meds again, and it is time for me to go to bed!
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