This weekend I went to spend with another dear friend who had a birthday. This time of year brings lots of birthday celebrations for me.
I hope she doesn't kill me for this!
There are many reason why she is amazing, and her friends. This is just one of the reasons; not many people would allow anyone to take their birthday cake picture in rollers! Next, her friend Heather made the cake with APPLESAUCE and Rainbow Chip icing. Two reasons I love her more; applesauce makes the cake a lot more healthy since you substitute the oil (a girl to my own heart) and she knows the difference between Funfetti and Rainbow Chip Frosting, and she knows which one is better! :)
I hope she doesn't kill me for this!
There are many reason why she is amazing, and her friends. This is just one of the reasons; not many people would allow anyone to take their birthday cake picture in rollers! Next, her friend Heather made the cake with APPLESAUCE and Rainbow Chip icing. Two reasons I love her more; applesauce makes the cake a lot more healthy since you substitute the oil (a girl to my own heart) and she knows the difference between Funfetti and Rainbow Chip Frosting, and she knows which one is better! :)
So more reasons I love the Birthday girl. After Friday night at Hero's we stayed at Heathers and Kim took the couch with me. By the way, Heathers couch is great to sleep on and her apartment was super cute. Kim also took some bad news with flying colors Saturday morning. We were going to go to a Superhero party at some friends' place but they ended up having to cancel. She just said, ok and went along with the new plans for the night.
Wow tan lines! You would never know I lived at the beach by this picture!
I always love going to Goldsboro; I always get to meet so many great people and on my return trip I get to see everyone again.
Our new friends from the Naughty and Nerds Party at Hero's. And no they don't always wear tape on their glasses, or even glasses at all. Some of them came out Saturday too and it was another good night.
This weekend was pretty perfect! Almost as perfect as we all look in this picture. Thank you fan for blowing our way at the perfect moment!
Happy Birthday Kimberly!
All photo credits go to the above two lovely ladies, Kimberly Neal and Amanda Cook.
On another note, but just as fabulous! A very dear friend is moving from Florida up to North Carolina in the fall! I am SO incredibly excited that she will be in driving distance for a weekend trip. I'm so glad for Ashley Seeley to be living in NC, one step closer for us to open our bakery as well!
Sweet dreams cyberspace!
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