
We all need motivation and inspiration. I find this especially true when it comes to working out. I've had a fitness instagram for over a year now and a few months ago I started seeing people post about an app just for fitness check-ins. At first I didn't give it two thoughts and said one place to check in was enough for me. Then I started seeing more and more people posting pictures to Instagram about BurnThis. I still didn't think much of it until I got an email asking me to be an ambassador. I hadn't even posted once to the app! (I did download the app and then decide not to use it) But that all changed!

I decided to try it out and for the most part I really like it! I could do with less thong shots and grossly over muscular men. Not my thing. But in theory I like this app. You only have people committed to fitness liking and looking at your photos. So far I haven't had any companies "spamming" my account to get more hits for their business; which I really like.

BurnThis hosts tons of giveaways from a ton of different companies and all you have to do is post photos, no follow and share and tag. I totally get why most giveaways are don't like that but I honestly don't want to flood everyones feed with posts  for giveaways I would love to win.

So all in all I like BurnThis, but will I leave instagram for it....probably not. But I will continue using it. :)

Until next time! xo
