Holiday Make-Up

Sparkles and Glitter are always season, but they are really in season during the holidays! Now thy have this awesome. Awesome eyeshadow glitter. And yes, glitter nail polish is coming back in. I picked up a new Holiday Kit from Orly today at Ulta and I can't wait to try it out for NYE!

And I'm back on the gym bandwagon, but I'm determined for it to not be a bandwagon this time. So I'm back to posting workouts at the end of each week and here is my work out for the week minus one night where I did interval training. I'll list that below.

Interval training:
10 minute warm up: my hert rate was consistently around 155
15 bicep curls each arm
15 overhead press
15 tricep press
5 minute run: heart rate started around 130, back up to 155 for 5 minutes
20 squats
15 lunges each leg
5 minute run
30 second plank x2
Bicycle crunches
As many push ups as you can do. For me starting out it was only about 7.
5 minute run
5 minute cool down

Now when I say run, I was at a faster paw than I normally run for distance running.
