Holy Moly Grilled Cheese

1. I love my roommate loves to cook.
2. I love that we have a love of grilled cheese.
3. I LOVE that we found this blog on Pinterest!

Ok so every month like clock work I crave pizza. Its ridiculous I know. Well I think I just found the healthier (somewhat, at least its homemade) version of pizza. Pizza Grilled Cheese.

We started out with a Rosemary Focaccia and piled mozzarella and cheddar cheese on top. Next on the pile is the pepperoni, pizza sauce and basil. With you guessed it, more CHEESE.
In a separate bowl we mixed butter, garlic salt, and olive oil which was put on the bread. Once you have it all stacked its easier to put the frying pan over the sandwich and flip it that way with the plate.

Needless to say it was AMAZING and I'm so happy that I get to take left overs for lunch tomorrow :)
