Looking Back, Heading Forward

So as 2011 is coming to a close there are things that I am very thankful for.

I am thankful for my life in Wilmington. Without my new friends I think I may just have gone crazy the last couple months. I am thankful for my Church and my small group. Because of them I am so much closer to my God and growing that relationship each day.

I am thankful for learning experiences. With each experience I grow more to find just who I want to be, who I want to spend time with and where I want to life to be. I'm thankful for broken hearts because with each one I grow to more of the person God wants me to be

I'm thankful for all the memories of 2011. Weddings, engagements, new relationships, new friends, new family, and the list can go on and on. I did some pretty great things in 2011 and I plan on doing some pretty great things in 2012 as well.

Looking to volunteer more, work at my passion and dream more, spend more time with people that truly enjoy my company, be happy in any situation God may put me in, be healthy, teach others, and have fun!

Looking forward to making plans to see long lost friends, spending time with new and old friends and have the best year ever!
